Erin Rodgers

April Oil of the Month

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Each month we focus on using an oil every day to help us accomplish our health and wellness goals! For April we are focusing on Eucalyptus Radiata. Join us in choosing a way of applying or getting this oil on and around you every day in April! My goal is to use an entire bottle for personal use!

This variety of eucalyptus contains a high percentage of both eucalyptol and limonene, cleansing and purifying constituents, and is often used to support the respiratory system - perfect timing for all of those spring blooms! Whether it is air quality issues, specific needs or general respiratory support, inhaling and applying eucalyptus can be a wonderful benefit to our health.

If you're investing in your health with workouts, eucalyptus globulus can help you there too! Eucalyptus is a wonderful soothing agent for muscles, joints and other sore areas that need a little TLC.

Eucalyptus radiata has a distinctly fresh aroma that is sharp and clean and helps promote health, wellbeing and healing physically and emotionally. The scent of eucalyptus is refreshing and energizing and can have a positive and uplifting effect on our mood. It is also considered a cleansing oil, helping us purge negative emotions, feelings of being trapped, constricted or limited in our surroundings. It can help us release repressed feelings, and encourage us to be more open and move out of a negative state.

  • Diffuse, apply with a carrier over your heart, roll over your chest, throat and back as needed, make a chest rub with coconut oil for respiratory support.
  • Use daily to support your entire respiratory system, especially as the seasons change and things start to bloom!
  • Use to release feelings of negativity, reminding yourself that your health and well being are worth the time and energy that you invest and that you are able to step into a place of positivity and openness.

How about it? Are you going to refresh and renew your physical and emotional health with us this month?